Remember when we were kids, hide-and-go-seek was a popular game. Personally, it wasn’t one of my favorites, but I went along with it probably due to peer pressure. It reminds me of what’s happening right now with leadership. We have an upcoming Presidential election, perhaps the most important election in our lifetime. Because if Lady Liberty loses, this country will likely never be the same.
Our capitalistic republic is being challenged by anarchists, Marxists (communists) and socialists. And we are so polarized as a nation that we either don’t see it, or we’ve lost our fight. We have one party candidate who seems to be playing his own game of hide-and-go-seek. We don’t really know what he stands for because his messaging is limited, and he hasn’t agreed to a real debate.
We have another candidate who isn’t playing hide-and-go-seek, but rather king-of-the-hill. That’s another game I always disliked. It wasn’t collaborative, it wasn’t about building rapport and connection. It was about pushing other people down.
I love my country and I’m tired of the childhood game playing. This isn’t a game. This is about our freedoms, our rights and the future of our country. And if you think I’m over-reacting, just take a hard look at what’s happening in many of our bigger cities. Children are being murdered because local leaders have gone into hiding. There is a movement underfoot that hasn’t blinked since the murder of innocents has been ignored.
And why are we here? Likeability. Likeability is one of the most often overlooked attributes of a leader. And when it comes down to it, it matters perhaps the most. The good-bad news is that I don’t believe either candidate is truly likeable. And if either one of them could embrace this concept and put their egos aside for the sake of this country, it would likely mean the difference in this election and whether free market capitalism will win over communism and socialism.
Yes, that’s where we are. We take our freedoms for granted. If you aren’t tuned into that, please do yourself a favor and Google Marxism and capitalism. You could Google socialism, but the current Marxist movement is not socialism. It’s thinly disguised communism feeding off our current climate of complacency, chaos and cowardice. Is that what you want for this country? If it is, I’ll likely resort to the childhood game I despised, because many of my freedoms (and yours too) will likely be lost, forever.